Get Rid of these rubber noises (13'34" - 2008)
In 2008, OttoannA worked on a series of tracks using sketchbooks as scores. Over a few months, references to sound entering their daily routine were written down/sketched. This piece came from a scene directly witnessed by the duo: A young artist was playing a work in progress to an older composer, asking for guidance. With the authority of his experience and status, the latter suggested to “get rid of these rubber noises”. As a response, OttoannA dedicated a track to the rejected sounds. During the premiere of the series at the Simultania Gallery (Strasbourg, FR), snapshots of the sketched scores were projected as a backdrop for the performance.
Federated States of Micronesia (17'05" - 2010)
This piece mixes field recordings with electroacoustics and was partly built through a string of chance operations. The name of geographic coordinates were picked at random to generate a mantra of scattered places. Premiered at the [sonor] Festival 2010 (Lieu Unique, Nantes, FR), part of the sound was recorded and treated in situ before the semi-improvised performance.
How am I going to Close? (15'06" - 2009)
In 2006, OttoannA recorded the story of Marko Stepanov, an artist from the former Yugoslavia, whose life was radically transformed by being struck by lightning on a solitary mountain hike in England. An excerpt of Marko’s gripping tale was combined with field recordings and electroacoustic layers, subjectively rendering his recollection of survival processes and human interactions. This piece was initially commissioned by the Kontact Sonores Festival (Chalons sur Saonne, FR) and performed there as a multi-channel diffusion.
Golstrasse (11'56' - 2005)
In memory of Florence
An early piece, inspired by a Chinese proverb, "memory paints with a golden brush”. In 2005, OttoannA were invited by the MU Collective to run a workshop in Paris’ Goutte d’Or (Gold Drop) district. Participants were subjected to a trance-inducing device and asked to remember and describe a familiar itinerary from their past. The process resulted in an eerie static journey re-composed with drowsy voices floating over a droney background. With the voices of Yoko Fukushima, Alexandre Mottot, Florence Spies, Mei Ho

OttoannA in the GRM studios, Paris - 2014
Formed in Paris in 2004, OttoannA (Rodolphe Alexis and Valérie Vivancos) have been generating sound pieces, devices and participative actions. Their passion for processes has taken various shapes including a software that singles out fragments from TV news and rearranges them into a poetic litany, memories of familiar routes recorded on the edge of hypnosis, one-to-one DJ sets, transposing sounds from the streets of Paris to those of New York via boomboxes, a piece based around the tale of a man hit by lightning, a barely audible live set performed from a closet... OttoannA’s semi-improvised compositions create a multilayered soundscape made of collages, fragmented narration, field recordings, electronic and electroacoustic synthesis... Besides, through their publishing and curating activities (under the Double-Entendre umbrella), their ear has become attuned to the possibilities and limitations of fixed aesthetic genres. The individual practices of the two artists (field recording and writing protocols) have also helped enrich their audio signature.
2014 - Mar - performing at Presences Electronique - 104, Paris
2013 - Nov - performing at MUDAM, Museum of Modern Art, Luxembou
2012 - Oct - performing at APO 33, Nante
2010 - Jun - ESSMAA - Sampler contribution - Festival Citysonic#8 - BE
2010 - May - Festival Paris Sonic - live performance - jardins d’Alice - Paris
2010 - Apr - Festival Micro Clima - live performance - Lieu Multiple – Poitiers
2010 - Apr- Festival Sonor - live performance - Nantes
2009 - Nov - Salon Light 6 - live performance - CNEAI @ Point FMR - Paris
2009 - Oct - “A la recherches des ondes Pérdues” - Popsonics - Mains d’Oeuvres - Saint Ouen
2009 - Mar- Festival Kontakt Sonores - live performance - Chalon sur Saône
2008 - Nov - Festival Electrocnam - live performance - CNAM – Paris
2008 - Citysonics #6 sampler – BE
2008 - Oct - Festival Promenades Audoniennes - live performance - Saint Ouen
2008 - Jul - The Bridge Festival - live performance - Roussé (Ruse) - Bulgaria
2008 - Jun - Citysonics Festival – opening - live performance - Mons - Belgium
2008 - Feb - “Ruber Noises” - live performance - Stimultania - Strasbourg.
2007 - Oct - live performance - Médiathèque Blaise Cendrar - Conflan Sainte Honorine
2007 - Oct - live diffusion - "Correspondances" François Martig - Recycl'art Bruxelles
2007 - Jul - Sweet sixteen - live performance - Palais de Tokyo - Paris
2007 - May - live performance - Le Mur du Son - Espace Mendès France – Poitiers
2007 - Apr - live performance Soirées HEAVEN - OPA - Paris
2006 - Oct - live performance - 5 ans Festival - Project 101, Paris
2006 - Oct - “Des Monts de la Lune” - Collectif MU /Sound drop (Paris, Nuit Blanche octobre 2006)
2006 - Aug - live diffusion - “New York radio Scan” - Music for bats in Night of the arts, Cable Factory - Helsinki, Finland
2006 - Apr - live performance “Mended Colloquy “ - Exposition Formalité , La Générale, Paris
2006 - Apr - Installation “Mended Soliloquy” - Royal Wedding Expanded ,Console, Paris
2006 - Feb - live performance - Vibrö Day - Trioletto - Montpellier-FR
2006 - Feb - création - “New York radio Scan” Music for homepage - Centre D’art Virtuel, Synesthésie, Paris
2006 - Jan - live performance - “Blue - Red Sound Travels” - Leroy Neiman Gallery - Columbia University - NYC
2005 - Nov - live performance-“Broken Rethorics” - Project 101, Paris 2005 - Sep - live performance - “Private stream” - International Exhibitionist Festival - Curzon Soho, London UK
2005 - Jul - live performance - “Broken Rethorics” - Le Placard - Glassbox, Paris
2005 - Jun - live performance - “Uneasy Listening” Territoires electroniques 05, Cité du Livre, Aix en Provence
2005 - Apr- “Missing Pavel” intervention en collaboration avec Véronique Hubert, Paris
2004 - Oct - live performance - “Private Mix” - HERE -Camberwell College of Arts - London UK
2004 - Jun - live performance - “Broken Rethorics” - Hong-Kong Vu de la mer -Console, Paris
2004 - May - live performance - “Private Mix” - Tohu-Bohu1 - Console, Paris