OttoannA is a sonic interventions duo working with devices and participative actions based on a critical and poetic use of sound. This practice, drawing from a tradition of absolute automatism, intends to debunk and social codes cultural and free the listening process from an informative or melodic constraint.

"Formalité" : the exhibition report on Radio France :
"Formalité-tableau d’une exposition "
émission Surpris par la Nuit - 1/09/ 2006
Réal . Jean Couturier
>> Listen

2006 Oct 7 : OttoannA is performing during Paris Nuit blanche 2006 - A night of sound performances . (7 PM to 5 am) "Des Monts de la Lune/ Sonic MOONS "
Friche Marcadet Duployer -Paris 18eme - Goutte d'Or
Radio broadcasting 21PM to à 5AM on RadioCampus Paris 93.9 FM
>> Sonicmoons website

25 oct 2006 : Festival 101 X5 : Lives
COTI (GR/IT - Poeta Negra Label)
+JOPO STEREO (FR / Project 101).
21h30 - Project 101- Paris
>> Agenda at Project 101